Cithakan kiye kanggo nggawe header sing digunakna nang kotak suksesi kanggo wong sing nduwe posisi politik .

Cara nganggo sunting

The template was designed to default to  Jabatan politik  if no parameter is given. In the following table, the first column contains the header and the second column shows the template call used to create it.

Jabatan politik {{s-off}}

There are no parameters in this template.

Example sunting

From the Vladimir Putin article:

{{s-bef | before = [[Viktor Zubkov]]}}
{{s-ttl | title = [[Perdana Menteri Rusia]] | years = 2008 – sekarang}}
Jabatan politik
Didahului oleh:
Viktor Zubkov
Perdana Menteri Rusia
2008 – sekarang


Deleng uga sunting