Bawana (basa Indonesia: Benua) kuwe daratan nang permukaan bumi sing amba pisan, umum diarani kontinen. Jaman siki ana limang bawana nang permukaan bumi yakuwe: Asia, Afrika, Amerika, Australia karo Eropa ning pembagian kuwe erat kaitane karo pesebaran penduduk padahal angger dideleng sekang wujud fisik, benua Amerika kuwe ana Amerika Selatan karo Amerika Utara, uga ana benua Antartika.

Animated, peta sing nggambarna bawana nang donya, dibedakna kelire. tergantung maring konvensi lan modele, ana bawana sing digabung atawa dipisah: kanggo conto, Eurasia kuwe sering dipisahna dadi Eropa lan Asia (kelir abang), nek Amerika Utara lan Amerika Selatan cokan digabung dadi siji bawana Amerika (kelir ijo).



Jaman gemiyen, permukaan bumi kuwe kebentuk sekang siji daratan sing amba pisan yakuwe Pangea, ning akibat pergeseran lempeng bumi daratan kuwe pecah dadi 2 yakuwe Gondwana nang sisi kidul planet bumi karo Laurasia nang sisi lor. Kedaden kuwe wektu masa Mesozoikum jaman gemiyen. Pergerakan lempeng bumi kuwe terus berlanjut ngantek kebentuk 5 benua tur terus bergerak ngantek siki.

Sekiye bumi terbagi dadi beberapa benua :

Jumlah Bawana


Kanggo nentukna jumlahe bawana, ana werna-werna carane:

Peta sing nidokna bawana (dibedakna kelire).
7 bawana
    Amerika Utara
    Amerika Selatan
6 bawana
    Amerika Utara
    Amerika Selatan
6 bawana
5 bawana
5 bawana
4 bawana

The seven-continent model is usually taught in China and most English-speaking countries. The six-continent combined-Eurasia model is preferred by the geographic community, the former states of the USSR (including Russia), and Japan. The six-continent combined-America model is taught in Latin America, and some parts of Europe, including GreeceCithakan:Citation needed, ItalyCithakan:Citation needed, Belgium, Portugal and Spain. This model may be taught to include only the five inhabited continents (excluding Antarctica),[8][9] as depicted in the Olympic logo.[11]

The terms Oceania or Australasia are sometimes substituted for Australia to denote a continent encompassing the Australian mainland and various islands of the Alantic Ocean not part of other continents. For example, the Atlas of Canada names Oceania,[2] as does the model taught in America and in Latin America and Iberia.


  1. (Inggris) World, National Geographic - Xpeditions Atlas. 2006. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society.
  2. 2,0 2,1 (Inggris) The World - Continents, Atlas of Canada
  3. 3,0 3,1 (Inggris) "Continent". Encyclopædia Britannica. 2006. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
  4. (Inggris) The New Oxford Dictionary of English. 2001. New York: Oxford University Press.
  5. (Inggris) "Continent". MSN Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2006.. 2009-10-31.
  6. "Continent". McArthur, Tom, ed. 1992. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. New York: Oxford University Press; p. 260.
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 (Inggris) "Continent". The Columbia Encyclopedia. 2001. New York: Columbia University Press - Bartleby.
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 (Inggris) Océano Uno, Diccionario Enciclopédico y Atlas Mundial, "Continente", page 392, 1730. ISBN 84-494-0188-7
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 9,3 (Inggris) Los Cinco Continentes (The Five Continents), Planeta-De Agostini Editions, 1997. ISBN 84-395-6054-0
  10. (Inggris) Van Loon's Geography: The Story of the World We Live In, 1932, Simon and Schuster
  11. The Olympic symbols. International Olympic Committee. 2002. Lausanne: Olympic Museum and Studies Centre. The five rings of the Olympic logo represent the five inhabited, participating continents (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania); thus, Antarctica is excluded from the flag. Also see Association of National Olympic Committees: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Deleng Uga
